Images are expensive: Update!

After some fiddling, we think we found the perfect balance of bandwidth savings and general site readability.

Thanks for bearing with us!  It’s pretty painful to have to do this to you guys, but this is a whole lot better than getting an enormous hosting bill.


6 Responses to “Images are expensive: Update!”

  1. Olav Torkson says:

    Seriously… what about all the images on the bizarro site? They're still images. Is that part of the bizarro?

    (I really look at that part of the site every time I visit, which is daily.)

  2. LHT Fan says:

    Dear LHT,
    I've noticed that the latest comic takes 144 KB of bandwidth. The image of that comic takes 44 KB of bandwidth. Seeing as I have dial up, it took 26 seconds to download compared to my usual 8 seconds. I hope this problem is rectified.

  3. Yay!! Thanks for fixing it! I'm excited to resume my daily perusing of your comics without having to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen to see the comics' text. I am just far too lazy for all that work.

    ヽ( ´∀`)人(・ω・)ノ

  4. Jen says:

    I thought it was an April Fool's Joke! lol.

    In any case, I'm happy it's back up and running the way you want it to!